Supporting the Community

Mondo Nougat is proud to support the efforts of The Cancer Council of Australia in their efforts to find a cure for cancer and Lifeline WA.

Our support of The Cancer Council of Australia recognises the challenges faced by many families, including our own, in the struggle to find treatments and hopefully some day cures, for a wide variety of cancers.

Our affiliation with Lifeline WA is in recognition of the work they do to ‘prevent suicide, support people in crisis and create equal opportunities for emotional wellbeing.’

Unfortunately we are unable to donate to any further charities at this time.

We are however happy to discuss a range of fundraising options. If you are organising an event where Mondo Nougat could be served as part of a meal we would be willing to consider your request and ask that you forward complete details to

For all donations and sponsorship requests please forward complete proposal to

Please note all requests must be at least 30 days prior to the event, 60 days is recommended.